Good Evening Laureate Park Residents, Attached you will find a copy of the agenda for the Budget meeting Thursday at 4 pm. As the notice states the meeting will be held via zoom, below you will find the meeting login information which is also available on the agenda. This Meeting is to approve the 2021 budget. Time permitting we will have an open forum, and we will unmute the homeowner for up to three minutes to speak on any item of the agenda or the budget. Please keep in mind this will be a short open form due to the time of the meeting. Have a wonderful evening. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 965 0140 6782 Passcode: 052539 One tap mobile +13017158592,,96501406782#,,,,*052539# US (Washington D.C) +13126266799,,96501406782#,,,,*052539# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US Warm Regards, Desera Ramos LCAM
November 2024